Exultate, Egret!

Juvenile Egret Calling, Wings Extended

Caroling, Caroling, Caroling, Caroling, Christmas Birds are Singing…

We haven’t yet solved the mystery of why Edgar sings so often in my photos, but Christmas is drawing near, and so today he celebrates Advent.

I figure, if the Ox and Ass kept time, pa rumpumpumpum…

And if the Cattle will be Lowing…

And the heavenly host will soon be singing Noël, Noël, Noël, Noël…

Then our little Juvenile Egret can exult as he honks, “Hope is born to a dismal world, and redeemed are the helpless and sinned-against!”

“Corrupt scum have sold us into bondage, but soon Hell itself will be harrowed and Adam freed, Amen.”

Bold words for a young bird, but this is the season of hope.

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