Turtle Yoga

Turtles sunning themselves under a country bridge, on the concrete base of a stanchion.

Shooting this group of seven Painted Turtles from above, on the passenger lane of a country bridge, I was briefly joined by a jogger who paused, looked down and remarked…

“Good day for Turtle Yoga…”

When I gave him a puzzled look, he said, “You know, they warm up in the sun and s-t-r-e-t-c-h. I saw a bunch of them doing yoga on the canal,” and he jogged off before I could thank him for the headline.

Above, you can see the entire class, with different turtles achieving varying degrees of extension and flexibility, just as you’d see in a human Yoga Group.

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And below, a closeup for your edification. Observe the center Turtle’s legs and neck. Obviously, he’s the one teaching the master class.

Both photos are part of my new series, View from a Bridge, capturing the secret world of wildlife that thrives under the New Hope-Lambertville Bridge. I’ve been walking across this bridge for decades, ever since I was a kid, never dreaming what a rich and fascinating micro-environment it hosts.

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Observe the center Individual in this group of Painted Turtles. What graceful and impressive extension he’s achieving in his neck and legs! Obviously, he’s the master who’s teaching this Turtle Yoga class.

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